Recipe of Pork Braised in Brown Sauce (Red-Braised Pork)

2 Reviews

The fragrant Pork Braised in Brown Sauce has always been the favorite dish of food lovers. Fat but not greasy, it’s tender, flavorful and delicious. If you want to cook it well, the color of the sugar, seasoning and reducing liquids are all very important. Before cooking, a pot of cold water should be prepared, then put the pork in, boil the water and the pork together. Remove the froth during the boiling. Then put the oil in the pot, stir-fry the pork and add sugar to stir fry. You can first dissolve the sugar, slowly heat and stir fry, wait for the sugar to turn into a brownish color, then add the pork to fry. You can also add the sugar directly to the pork and let it slowly dissolve when stir fry. This braised pork has a sweet taste. The amount of sugar can be adjusted according to your own taste. Once the sugar is first fried, the fork will look very bright. The taste of salt is much easier than the taste of sugar to be absorbed. So, you should first use sugar to fry the pork and then add soy sauce. Pumping. Cooking in a pressure cooker can make the fork quickly become tender, and finally use high heat to reduce liquid.

Salty flavor
1 hour


Major Ingredients
  • Pork Belly
Minor Ingredients
  • Cooking Oil
    4 Spoon
  • Cooking Wine
    4 spoon
  • Soy Sauce
    4 Spoon
  • Rock Candy
    4 Spoon
  • Salt
    3 Spoon
  • Dried Chili Peppers
  • Ginger
    3 piece


Step 1

Drain and rinse the pork with cold water. Cut the pork belly into bite size pieces. Put them in a bowl and add some water. Then pour in the right amount of cooking wine to pickle them for 15 minutes.

Step 2

Bring a pot of water to a boil. Pour the pork into the boiling water for five minutes and them take the pork out of the pot.

Step 3

Stir-fry the meat into the pot without adding oil until the pork is lightly browned. Then, take the pork out of the pot and set aside.

Step 4

Use the part of the oil that is poured out from pork or pour a small amount of oil into the pot, and melt the rock candy into brown color.

Step 5

Add all the pork and stir fry them evenly.

Step 6

Add dried chili, pepper, star anise and a small amount of fennel to stir fry them together for one minute.

Step 7

Add just enough water to cover the pork.

Step 8

Add onion slices and sliced ginger.

Step 9

Add in the soy sauce ingredients. Increase the heat to high until it boils. Then turn the heat back to low. Cover and simmer for about 40 minutes to 1 hour until the pork is fork tender. Stir occasionally to prevent burning. Add water if it gets too dry.

Step 10

Add the right amount of salt.

Step 11

If there is still a lot of visible liquid, turn up the heat, and stir continuously until the sauce has reduced to a glistening coating. Then, it’s time to eat!

Easy to make it

Reviewed Feb 29, 2020

My husband and I can’t forget this dish after eating it in China. When I returned back to US, I tried to learn how to make it. I went to a Chinese supermarket and bought spices, soy sauce, pork belly, and tried to make it. It took about 45 minutes and my kids finished it in 5 minutes. It was just amazing!


excellent information

Reviewed May 22, 2024

I needs to spend some time learning more or understanding more.